Before making a purchase decision, sometimes it can be useful to see what others are buying. These buyers have presumably all done their own research before making a decision about which model is best for them. So it stands to reason that the most popular models will be well worth you having a look at.
So with that in mind, here is a list of top selling yogurt makers.
Top 5 Best Sellers
1. Aroma AYM-606 8-Cup Digital Yogurt Maker
This is a relative new-comer to the market when compared with the other models on this list and is very competitively priced at around $30. Makes over 8 cups of yogurt in 8 individual containers.
2. Yogourmet Electric Yogurt Maker
Makes 2 quarts at a time in a single large "batch jar". Comes with a thermometer and cloth bag (for making yogurt cheese) for around $50. Or for another $10, you can get the package with 2 boxes of yogurt starter thrown in.
3. Euro Cuisine YM80 Yogurt Maker
Another competitively priced model at under $30, will make 42 ounces of yogurt in 7 x 6 ounce glass jars.
4. Euro Cuisine YM260 2qt Yogurt Maker
A larger model from Euro Cuisine. Makes up to 2 quarts in a single container. Sells online for around $40.
5. Tribest Yolife Yogurt Maker
Like the YM80 from Euro Cuisine, this model comes with 7 x 6 ounce jars as standard. However, its flexible design means you can use your own larger containers instead. Retails for around $40.
This information has been sourced from and is correct as of October 2011.